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Imogen Shipperlee

Head of Innovation
Imogen Shipperlee

I am responsible for the company’s strategic direction and commercial operation of business support. I oversee the development of Hethel Innovation’s business community, manage the innovation consultancy offer, market and brand, and deliver funded projects.

I have experience creating new revenue streams for businesses, establishing strategies for growth and sales, developing new products and services, and managing changes in resource needs. At Hethel Innovation, I set up the company’s consultancy service, offering bespoke support to organisations looking to innovate and grow. I also supported public sector clients in developing plans for their own Innovation Sites.

I’m an experienced project manager, having managed multiple £multimillion funded projects, delivering on all contracted outputs within project timeframes.

If you could be on any TV Show, what would it be and why?

Race across the world. I love the idea of being able to visit multiple countries in one trip!

You’re stranded on a deserted island and can only bring one meal with you to eat indefinitely, what would it be and why?

Sushi. I just love it.