Agile Project Management: In a Nutshell 🌰

Agile Project Management: In a Nutshell 🌰

Managing a project. Sounds easy enough. In fact, why would you need to learn how to do something that requires no hard skill? You just need a great business idea, and voila, the rest will come naturally, right? Unfortunately, it’s not that simple. Many things can go...
The Pareto Principle: In a Nutshell

The Pareto Principle: In a Nutshell

The Pareto Principle, also known as the 80/20 rule suggests that 20% of your activities will account for 80% of your results. What is the Pareto Principle? The theory was named after its founder, the Italian economist Vilfredo Pareto, back in 1895. He noticed that...
Single Tasking: In a Nutshell

Single Tasking: In a Nutshell

In this edition of our ‘In a Nutshell’ series, we delve into the concept of single tasking. Single tasking is the opposite of multitasking. Rather than trying to do multiple things at once it is the idea of breaking everything down into single tasks and then...
Python: In a Nutshell

Python: In a Nutshell

In our latest edition of our ‘In a Nutshell’ series, we’re going to be taking a look and learn about the coding language, Python. Coding is fast becoming one of the most sought after skills for employers, as it is essentially the language of the...
Machine Learning: In a Nutshell

Machine Learning: In a Nutshell

In this edition of our ‘In a Nutshell’ series, we delve in to the concept of machine learning. Machine learning is a term that has been bounded about more regularly in recent years, in part due to technological advances in our day-to-day lives, such as...