Applications are now open to be considered as one of East Anglia’s Future50 businesses for 2019.

Why apply? Well, if you are chosen you will have exclusive access to events providing support, learning and trading opportunities from business innovators and champions, including some previous members of the Future50 club. You will also receive multimedia exposure from Archant media channels (that includes newspapers like the Eastern Daily Press) and topical updates from them on a regular basis.

Partners in the Future50 initiative include the University of East Anglia, Barclays, Birketts, Lovewell Blake and New Anglia Local Enterprise Partnership (NALEP). These partners will be supporting Future50 members with business plans, strategic implementation and access to finance. Nigel Best, manager of the New Anglia LEP’s business support arm said “The fact that the LEP wants to be involved speaks volumes for how good this programme is. What we’re bringing to the table is a wealth of expertise, particularly when it comes to funding.”

The great thing about Future50 is that it isn’t just an award. If you are successful you get the opportunity to interact with the six partners, as mentioned, as well as the other like-minded, growing businesses who become your peers as part of the group.

Future50 is open to any small-medium enterprise in Norfolk or Suffolk. Judges this year are particularly looking for businesses who are innovative and have the potential to really impact the economy over the next three years, especially with Brexit looming. By gaining Future50 status you become one of New Anglia’s ones-to-watch and with the support offered during your year in the programme the capacity to grow and develop your business is infinite.

To apply to be part of the Future50 class of 2019 click here

For help more information about Future50 and the business support services we supply please email


This blog post originally appeared on the Liquid Enterprise website. 

Liquid Enterprise is Hethel Innovation’s Enterprise Support Network that has been developed to help raise start-up levels across the region and support SME’s. We believe that enterprise should have no limits, therefore we run a range of programs that engage the successful or aspiring entrepreneur, regardless of their age, gender, or location. From workshops in rural libraries to enterprise in schools to a meet-up in your local, we have something for everyone.

For more information, or to join the Liquid Enterprise network, click here