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Norfolk Fire Extinguisher Innovation Could Save Acid Attack Victims From Lifelong Injury

8th Apr 2019 | Hethel Innovation

Britannia Fire, a Norwich based company that has been operating for nearly 50 years, have adapted their world leading fire extinguishers to be able to neutralise substances that cause burns occurring in situations like acid attacks.

Britannia Fire have already gained attention from there revolutionary P50 extinguishers. Instead of being made from metal, as most traditional fire extinguishers are, the body of the P50 is made with composites, lasts 20 years and only requires an annual check-up rather than a (very expensive) full service. This has made the extinguishers highly popular in the public sector, including universities, as they are must cheaper to maintain, with the company claiming a supermarket chain in the UK could save up to £3 million over 10 years by switching to the P50.

Now the company have teamed up with London-based Specialist Response Solutions to create a white version of their P50 that contains ‘FAST-ACT’, a substance that can neutralise toxic substances including novichock (the nerve agent that recently poisoned Sergei and Yulia Skripal). FAST-ACT has been used by the military for nearly 20 years and works by drawing corrosive chemicals off the victim’s skin, into the sprayed substance and works in as quickly as two minutes.

Andy Spence, sales director for Britannia Fire, said: ‘What is special about FAST-ACT is that it eliminates the possibility to making the situation worse of more dangerous by applying the wrong substance. It neutralises acid and can help prevent catastrophic lifelong injuries if used quickly enough.’

The companies hope that this new white extinguisher can be used by emergency services, venue staff and first aiders in the event of an accident or acid attack. Though it does not stop the burning totally it significantly reduces the extent of burns and so could save someone’s sight if used quickly enough.

This blog post originally appeared on the Liquid Enterprise website.

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