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Things Are Going to Look a Lot More Orange Around Here...

by Sam Currall | 2nd Mar 2020 | Hethel Innovation

Hethel Engineering Centre has been given a revamp, in line with the branding of Hethel Innovation, as part of our exciting new vision that was shared with stakeholders at an event at the end of January 2020.

Hethel Engineering Centre first opened its doors in 2006, and since then has been home to numerous manufacturing and engineering businesses within the region. The decision to rebrand the centre has come with the launch of Hethel Innovation’s new 5-year strategy, which was launched at the rebranding event that took place on the evening of 20th January.

In 2019, Hethel Innovation took ownership of Hethel Engineering Centre from Norfolk County Council and continue to provide a space for engineering startups. The rebrand will reflect this change of name and ownership. Alice Reeve, Chief Executive Officer of Hethel Innovation, said of the centre:

“Our centre is home to a fantastic community of businesses who we have the pleasure of watching grow and succeed. We wanted to make sure our facilities keep up with their needs along with market demand. Rebranding the centre to focus on innovation will highlight the brilliant work our community of SMEs currently does and the huge investment they put into being market leaders.”

Alice Reeve, Chief Executive Officer of Hethel Innovation

Hethel Innovation’s Executive Chairman David Taitt outlined the company’s exciting new strategy to a range of attendees which included representatives of Norfolk County Council, New Anglia LEP, Hethel tenants, and a range of other external businesses that helped shape Hethel Innovation’s vision for the next 5 years.

A new identity for Hethel Innovation

In line with the new identity of the centre, Norwich-based Hudson Architects have been working on a proposed refurbishment of Hethel Engineering Centre, and were present at the event to offer attendees a virtual reality experience of their plans.

Have a look above at the highlights from the evening, and if you’re curious about what Hethel Innovation is all about, we’ll be holding our next open day on Thursday 26th March at Hethel Engineering Centre.