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Broadland Food Innovation Centre is Open for Business!

12th Oct 2022 | Broadland Food Innovation Centre

Last month (September), the long awaited opening of the Broadland Food Innovation Centre took place, as we welcomed over 100 guests to the opening event. Guests included a variety of members of local government, funding partners, and food & drink businesses from the region, who were given guided tours of the facilities.

The building – which was constructed by Wilmott Dixon – is part of a larger project with contributions from the European Regional Development Fund, Broadland District Council, New Anglia LEP, the University of East Anglia, and us – Hethel Innovation.

The centre is based on the Food Enterprise Park site, located just off the A47 at Easton. As well as the 13 high-spec food & drink production units (ranging from 1,646 to 4,962 sqft), businesses based at the site will also benefit from conferencing and test kitchen facilities.

Nick from the Hethel team delivering a training course as part of the Broadland Food Innovation Centre ERDF project

As well as the building itself, eligible food and drink businesses across the region can also access fully funded innovation support from the Hethel Innovation team, including bespoke advice and guidance and access to a range of specialist consultants. The University of East Anglia is also leading on the development of the innovation cluster, which is aiming to link organisations interested in the commercial benefits of food innovation and in the future of food, through a range of activities and events.

Guests at the opening event were also able to enjoy a selection of food and drink from Ronaldo Ices, Bread Source and Etude Coffee – who are just three of the many businesses in the region that have so far benefitted from the bespoke innovation support provided by the project.

Looking for space for your food or drink business? Get in touch with the Broadland Food Innovation Centre team via the website to have a chat about availability.