A Hub of Technology Success
1st Oct 2015 | Hethel Engineering Centre
Hethel Engineering Centre near Norwich, Norfolk has been proving itself as a hotspot of innovation, technology and entrepreneurship. Passionately steered and promoted by Simon Coward, Hethel is home to a wide range of engineering and technology companies making waves in industry today.
Simon Coward commented, Over the last few years we have had a dynamic range of talent from small companies who are carefully cultivated and supported, and are now reaping the just rewards.
One such company is EnLight who have utilised the investment and support available through Hethel to take their award winning technology to new heights. Two Norfolk based projects include energy saving street lighting technology being deployed at Hethel’s own car park and a fully integrated street lighting retrofit upgrade in Loddon which has saved the Council 50% in energy consumption alone.
Their latest Climate-KIC funded initiative focuses on the Internet of Things for the Smart City landscape, through the SOLSUN project. This sees the development, installation and deployment of smart city functions, made possible through existing street lighting infrastructure, to monitor city life in Budapest, Hungary. This includes vehicle emissions, noise levels and traffic density, with the overriding aims to lower greenhouse gases in line with government targets as well as improve the city’s infrastructure for both commercial and domestic inhabitants.