How to Build Resilience: 10 Top Tips
15th Apr 2020 | Hethel Innovation
Our next webinar in our lockdown series is all about how to build resilience. When the going gets tough, it’s our resilience that will get us back on our feet and pushing forwards. But it’s not like you can just snap your fingers and instantly embody resilience. It’s something you have to work at. Fortunately, Alex Sellers, Head of Learning and Development at Turning Factor, business training experts, is here to help.
In his webinar on Thursday the 16th of April, 10-11 am, Alex will discuss how to improve our emotional intelligence and refocus our attention in order to build resilience. To help us start the process, we asked Alex to tell us his top 10 tips for resilience and improved mental health during challenging times.
Tip #1 Make connections and build your social support network
Whether you are an extrovert who gets energy from others or an introvert who feels their best during times in solitude, we all benefit from social interactions and support. Sometimes all it takes is to pick up the phone and have a chat with a loved one to feel our spirits soar.

Tip #2 Avoid the tendency to view crises as insurmountable challenges
Have you ever had that overwhelming feeling where there seems like there is no clear way through? Have you been troubled by that persistent voice claiming ‘I can’t do this ….’? No doubt, in the current climate, many of us feel this way, but as Alex recommends, try to avoid this tendency. Things will get better, it just takes time.
Tip #3 Accept that change is a natural and unavoidable part of life
Change can be terrifying but it is also what makes life so interesting. No one can remain a baby forever- we all change and grow no matter how much we might not want to.
The biggest and most positive step any of us can make is to be able to accept our current situation. If we cannot identify and accept our current reality, we are more likely to spend more time and energy fighting it rather than focusing on the potential possibilities.

Tip #4 Take decisive actions that will help you face your challenges
Motivate yourself to take action by setting goals. Work out the step by step process you need to take to reach your desired outcome. This can help you feel less overwhelmed and more empowered to improve your situation.
Tip #5 Look for opportunities for self-discovery
Starting a journal could be one way to do this. Joining our webinar tomorrow to discuss your challenges and anxieties with like-minded people could be another!

Tip #6 Nurture a positive view of yourself and your abilities
Learn to look for the positives.
Tip #7 Keep things in perspective and in context
Perspective is a funny thing – there is always a different one. Afterall, ‘the map is not the territory’.
Tip #8 Maintain a hopeful outlook on life
It’s something that takes time, but adapting your outlook from a cynical one to an optimistic one is possible. Surround yourself with people who see the lightness of life by watching videos, reading books, watching podcasts, etc.

Tip #9 View failure differently
Is it the end of the world or is it something to learn from? Everyone fails at some point in their life, that’s a fact. It’s the people who don’t let it eat away at them that are the real winners.
Tip #10 Take care of yourself
Maintain your wellbeing physically, and equally importantly, mentally. Unplug from work or entertainment related technology and instead, use tech to help you look after yourself. Download a meditation app, listen to an audiobook, follow a yoga video, the options are endless. Just remember that you work better when you’ve allowed time to work on yourself.

For more wellbeing tips, join Alex Sellers for his webinar on Resilience: Acceptance and Routine by booking your place: