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UEA Partner in New £5 Million Climate Change Centre

15th Apr 2019 | Hethel Innovation

Hethel Innnovation’s Breakthrough project partner, the University of East Anglia, is a founding partner in the UK’s new climate change research centre.

Lead by Cardiff University, the centre for Climate Change and Social Transformation (CAST) will research how we, as a society, can live differently to achieve the rapid cuts to emissions that are necessary to address the issue of climate change. This research is of the upmost importance and is reflected by the collaborative effort put into this new centre. Alongside Cardiff University and the University of East Anglia, Manchester and York Universities and the charity Climate Outreach are also involved. The research centre itself will work closely with government, both local and national, and other charities to tackle its mission.

The centre has been funded by the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) and will focus its research on the social side of climate change. The centre has defined four challenges of everyday life that contribute to our planet’s climate change that have been resistant to change:

  • Consumption of goods and physical products
  • Food and diet
  • Travel
  • Heating and cooling in buildings

The UEA team specifically will be lending expertise from the Tyndall Centre for Climate Change Research as well as the Schools of Environmental Science and Business. Their work will look at how government officials, businesses and the public and can lead the necessary changes by mobilising science and political communities across society.

This blog originally appeared on the Cleantech East website.

The Cleantech East network is a sector network designed to provide a platform for the cleantech sector in Norfolk and Suffolk, bringing together businesses, researchers and students to encourage innovation, collaboration and knowledge transfer, facilitating the transition towards a circular economy within the East.

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For more information on the Breakthrough ERDF project, click here