Could Norwich be the next big Smart City?
6th Nov 2017 | Hethel Innovation
Could Norwich follow other major UK cities to become a Smart City? What benefits could this pose for us and how can we achieve this goal?
The number of Smart City’s growing across the UK is constantly growing, with the list including city’s such as Cambridge and Peterborough. With the constituent parts of a smart city being homes, transport, work and health, Norwich must look to enhance these with innovative technologies. These include artificial intelligence, IoT, cloud, communication networks, robotics and cybersecurity.
The potential benefits for Norwich could be huge. Advantages of smart cities include helping businesses to plan more efficient transport routes, providing people with access to real-time transport timetables for better journeys. As well as this, smart cities can enable local authorities to create more effective health services. A smarter city brings a community together to utilise, rather than exploit, available technology and resources to create a more sustainable, more resilient and more efficient way of life.
Why should Norwich look to becoming a smart city? A smart city allows urban environments to be more efficient, which is increasingly crucial for our expanding population. Norwich has been named as one of the fastest growing cities in the UK, therefore we must get smarter with how we manage it.
Our Building Smart Places event back in March 2017 showcased how East Anglia’s innovative technologies could offer a solution to this challenge.
We have also been mapping the smart and clean technologies across East Anglia to identify businesses which could contribute towards transforming Norwich into a smart city.
If you would like to find out more and gain access to this research, please contact klower@hethelinnovation.comÂ
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