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Business Showcase - Eggcup Web Design

by Sam Currall | 7th Nov 2019

Our latest business showcase is focused on EggCup Web Design, which is headed up by Ian Pegg.

Hethel Innovation have provided business support to Ian from EggCup over the last couple of months, particularly on helping form his strategy, refining his customer journey process, and implementing ‘systems thinking’. Ian has also been part of our Agile project management course, where he learnt how to increase productivity in his business.

EggCup Web Design Feedback

The Hethel Innovation team have been indispensable in helping me to develop a robust plan to grow my business. I’ve received support at every step of the way, from adopting Agile project management methodologies to writing vision statements. I now feel much more confident forging ahead with developing my business!

Ian Pegg, Eggcup Web Design

If you’re interested in our Agile project management training, either get in touch with Jordan or check out our upcoming courses and seminars on our Eventbrite page!

Who are you and what is EggCup Web Design?

I’m Ian. I began my career as a web developer and designer many moons ago. As my career matured I added search engine optimisation and pay per click advertising to my skillset. I was born and raised in Norfolk and I love it here so much I’ve never managed to find a compelling enough reason to leave!

I founded EggCup Web Design almost seven years ago now. I made creative use of a redundancy package I received from my previous web development job to bootstrap my business. It’s been an incredible ride so far, and I’m confident the most exciting times still lay ahead!

How did you come up with the business name?

Thinking up a name for a new business is never easy! I was struggling to find a name that hadn’t already been registered as a domain or used on the major social media channels. I’d reached the point of desperation where I was just looking through all the items in my kitchen. I realised there was one thing I didn’t have at the time — an eggcup!

I get a lot of compliments about my business name and people love our strapline: “We eat problems for breakfast!”. They find it humorous, positive and memorable.

At present I am working on rebranding my company. The name isn’t going to change, but we will be tightening our focus on our offering and our target markets. Watch this space!

What has been your favourite project to date?

I’ve worked on some brilliant projects with some wonderful clients. Many years ago, an old boss of mine tuned me into the benefits of long-term competitive advantage so I’m a big fan of steady and sustainable growth. For this reason, my favourite projects are the ongoing ones where I get a fresh opportunity to deliver value month on month. There’s nothing more satisfying than witnessing the considerable cumulative gains this approach delivers.

The most satisfying project of all was when I was able to rescue one client from Google purgatory (they had been banished to page 10!). They now rank in the top three on page one for all their primary key phrases — and many more besides!

What skills are you hoping to improve in the future?

I have experience with many different facets of user experience design (UX) but there are still gaps in my knowledge. It is a huge topic and one that’s gaining a great deal more momentum at the moment. For these reasons, this is where I will be focusing my professional development efforts in the near future.

I’d also like to conduct some more original research. In the past I’ve performed research into web accessibility and human computer interaction. To build on this, I want to discover more about what can be done to ‘humanise’ technology, to make it more approachable and empowering, whilst at the same time less intimidating and less invasive.

Finally, how do you like your eggs? Fried, scrambled, or poached?

I’d have to say fried, but don’t tell my PT that!

So if you have an upcoming web design project, get in touch with Ian here!